Community Mismanagement by the HOA Board


We have had discrepancies in our Treasury reports and we are a cash basis and our treasurer is using some accural methods and it is not matching our currant bank statements? What do we do? Also not taking our votes to push thru large dues increases without the 51% according to our declaration and by-laws and adding another 4% this year without a vote. We also have a conflict of hiring procedures for our mainantence director who is causing a lot of unessessary expenses and the ones that are necessary we are behind priority items.

– June



Hi June,

You may request to inspect and review the association’s financial statements and records yourself. Alternatively, you may also propose an audit, replace the treasurer, hire a bookkeeper, or hire an HOA management company to ensure transparency and promote accountability. You can find an HOA management company through our online directory:

As for the increase, kindly review the governing documents to verify whether a vote is required for increasing HOA dues. If it is, you may bring this up with the HOA board or at the next board meeting. You may also bring up the issue with the maintenance director during this time. You may also opt to remove the problem board member(s) if it is not remedied.


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