Dog Attack Responsibilities in Georgia


My dog was attacked by an unleashed dog in our HOA managed community in South Forsyth GA. I reported the incident to FC Animal Control and to our HOA Company/Board- sent picture of the back of my hand who’s skin was broken and bleeding from the dogs teeth.

I did not file the report with the county after learning they would pick up and hold the dog for 10 days and give a citation to the HOA managed neighborhood’s resident owner.

I have asked the board/HOA company at least 3-4 times this summer to remind neighbors of our covenants regarding pets. Did again yesterday with picture and summary of the incident.

My question is can the HOA be held responsible in any way regarding the above?

– Jeff



Hi Jeff,

An HOA may be held liable for dog bites that happen on HOA property. However, there are not many cases establishing the exact liabilities that an HOA may face. It may be argued that the HOA is responsible for the dog bite if it was a direct result of the HOA’s negligence. For example, if the HOA failed to repair a fence in a common area that allowed the dog to escape and bite the person.

It’s also worth noting that Georgia has a Responsible Dog Ownership Law that provides protection to the public when it comes to dog attack injuries. A dog owner may be held liable if it can be shown that the owner knew that the dog was dangerous or aggressive and that the owner was careless in handling the dog.

Disclaimer: We are not lawyers. The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice.

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