Firing HOA Attorney and Management Company


If we get current president and treasurer voted off board, how do we fire the attorney and the management company? Can they retaliate against the new board.

– Ann



Hi Ann,

Kindly refer to the governing documents for steps regarding how to fire the HOA attorney and management company. The governing documents may outline certain voting requirements for this action. Typically, firing the attorney and management company will require a termination of the contract between them and the HOA. The contracts may contain termination policies so it’s best to review the agreements for guidelines.

Bear in mind that you may also be breaching the HOA’s contract with these entities so it may be worth looking into the terms and conditions of the agreements before firing them. They may be able to seek damages if the contracts were breached. For further guidance, kindly consult a lawyer.


Disclaimer: We are not lawyers. The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice.

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