HOA Insurance Won’t Cover Condo Unit’s Damages


As a consequence of the rains in Glendale Ca, so much water accumulated in an area on the roof of the building that water fell vertically from the main roof of the building into my condo located on the second floor, affecting the roof of a bathroom and a bedroom, the first one collapsed on roof of my unit and I don’t know what state the building is in but according to what they say it was the result of a drainage pipe that got clogged and broke. Now the HOA insurer says that it does not cover the reason is technical and they ask me to cover my damages with my insurance but I don’t have it since for many years the bank never demanded it from me, I only presented the HOA. I want to know if you can help me solve this problem with your advice or pre-litigation representation. Thank you.

– Jaime



Hi Jaime,

As a condo unit owner, it is your responsibility to purchase and maintain condo insurance. Damages inside the condo unit are usually not covered by the association’s master policy. For now, it is best to cover the damages yourself and then purchase condo insurance. Beyond that, you should seek advice from a lawyer.


Disclaimer: We are not lawyers. The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice.

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