Home Office Restriction in California HOA


I maintain a home office for two reasons:
1: I work for Northrop Grumman doing government procurement in my home office
2: I own an estate sale company dealing estates off the property.

My HOA says I can’t do ANY commercial business from my home.
My procurement for government is done strictly by computer from my home office.
My Estate sale company is also just an office with no foot traffic at all or product being sold by doorway or even customers showing up. Nobody is on the property at all.
My lawyer says home offices are allowed in the state of California.

Request your opinion

– Kenneth



Hi Kenneth,

Make sure you are complying with local ordinances. If there are no problems on that end, you may carefully review the governing documents to find the provisions governing commercial businesses. If the restriction exists, you may speak with the HOA board and propose an amendment or rule change. The governing documents may outline the process for amendments. For further guidance, kindly consult a lawyer.


Disclaimer: We are not lawyers. The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice.

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