Seeking Refund for Manager’s Mistake


Our car was recently towed from our street due to the negligence of the HOA since they did not update their records promptly. Our car information was not provided to the night patrol company; they towed it, and I ended up paying $450. The community manager denies that an update of the car information was received. I sent a letter and requested the HOA board regarding this incident, and I was denied the refund for towing. What is the best advice you can provide me regarding this situation? We live in Roseville, California

– Mini



Hi Mini,

If you have proof that you provided the car information update to your community manager, make sure to show it to your HOA board to support your claim. Then perhaps your board might reconsider. Other than that, it is best to seek further counsel from a lawyer.


Disclaimer: We are not lawyers. The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice.

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