Community/HOA Management

cai designations

What Are The Different Types Of CAI Desi...

Managing a community is no easy feat. While experience working in a similar field helps greatly, certifications take you one step further. But, what are the CAI designations you should know about in the first place?   What Is CAI? What Are CAI Designations? The…

reinstate an HOA

Is It Legal To Reinstate An HOA That Has...

Homeowners associations can become dormant over time, pausing all activities and responsibilities. After years of dormancy, though, is it possible to reinstate an HOA and resume operations?   The Need to Reinstate an HOA Forming a new homeowners association is rather easy. While state laws can…

HOA annual report

HOA Annual Report: How To Make One For H...

Some associations must submit an HOA annual report to homeowners. But, what is the purpose of this report? And what should it include?   Is an HOA Annual Report Mandatory? For a large chunk of homeowners associations, filing an annual report with the Secretary of…

property management fees

Property Management Fees vs HOA Manageme...

Are property management fees the same as HOA management fees? If not, what is the difference between the two? Understanding these two fee types is imperative for every homeowner.   The Difference Between Property Management Fees and HOA Management Fees Many people confuse property management…

homeowners association problems

13 Common Homeowners Association Problem...

Running an HOA community is no walk in the park. As a member serving on your HOA board, homeowners association problems just come with the territory. But, that doesn’t mean you should leave these problems to fester.   How to Solve the Most Common Homeowners…

hoa management fees

How Much Are HOA Management Fees? What A...

Associations can greatly benefit from the services of an HOA management company. Since board members don’t always have the time or expertise, it’s good to have a professional handling essential managerial functions on a full-time basis. But, how much do property management companies charge to…

hoa management contract

Why Is A HOA Management Contract So Impo...

The Board of Directors is used to dealing with homeowner association contracts for any type of goods or services needed by the association. Contracts are a standard practice so that both parties understand their specific roles and duties. That’s why a legitimate contract between you…

self managed hoa pros and cons

Self Managed HOA Pros And Cons: Do You N...

Homeowners associations vary greatly, with some requiring more attention than others. Although many find the idea of self-management appealing, it is not always the right call. In fact, when you become a self-managed HOA, you open your community up to certain risks.   Understanding Self…

how to change hoa management company

9 Steps On How To Change HOA Management ...

Are you having problems with your HOA management company? If the board has decided that your current management is not cutting it, you might be wondering about the next step. Learn how to change HOA management company below.   A Guide on How to Change…

complaints | problems with hoa management companies

7 Problems With HOA Management Companies...

Problems with HOA management companies can range from minor inconveniences to impending signs of management failure. When you start seeing a pattern with HOA management complaints, it’s time to take a closer look. Here’s how to tell if HOA management problems are fixable, or if…

the world prepare spelled out using scrabble tiles | new hoa management

5 Things The HOA Board Should Prepare Fo...

Transferring to new HOA management company services can bring about big changes for your community. So take these steps to prepare for a new team and help them hit the ground running. Hiring new management company services doesn’t just end with the contract. You also…

best hoa management companies

7 Qualities Of The Best HOA Management C...

Is your association planning to hire professional management? Whatever the reason for this may be, it’s important to choose a company that’s right for your community. But what to look for in an HOA management company? Here are the qualities of the best HOA management…

HOA financial management

How Can HOA Financial Management Help Yo...

Dealing with HOA finances is part of the board’s duties. Sometimes, though, problems and tasks can pile up, and the board can start feeling overwhelmed. This is where professional HOA financial management comes in.   The Benefits of HOA Financial Management Ideally, the board of…

drawing a smiling face on a board | hoa manager

12 Qualities And Skills You Need In A Gr...

A homeowners association manager must be able to wear many hats to be successful. The HOA manager often serves as a pillar for your HOA and offers critical assistance to the board. As such, it’s important to choose an HOA manager that demonstrates specific qualities…

community association management

10 HOA Tips For Better Community Associa...

While many are highly efficient and effective, there are other homeowners associations that are unable to properly manage basic tasks such as critical maintenance and resident conflicts. Most often than not, HOAs that cannot operate properly will have to deal with resident dissatisfaction. If you…

Small HOA Management For A Small Communi...

Homeowners associations come in all shapes and sizes, though the ones with fewer units are usually the ones that opt for self-management. But, contrary to popular belief, small HOA management isn’t as easy as you might think.   Small HOA Management: How to Self-Manage Your…

reasons | why serve in hoa

7 Reasons And Ways To Serve In An HOA

Whether you play a small but essential role or run for a position on the board, serving in your HOA comes with plenty of rewards. It may not involve financial gain, but there are some intangible benefits of giving back to your community. Here’s why…

hoa management

What Is HOA Management? Frequently Asked...

If you’re finding it difficult to understand HOA management, you’re not alone. Learn the answers to the most commonly asked questions about the subject below.   What Is HOA Management? To understand HOA management, you must first know the meaning of HOA. HOA stands for…

professional hoa management

Self Management vs Professional HOA Mana...

Every community association reaches a point where they need to decide whether to soldier on with self-management or to hire professional help. Such a decision can be difficult to make, especially when you don’t know the difference between self management vs professional HOA management. Learn…

How To Tell If You Have A Successful HOA...

Many homeowners associations rely on the services of an HOA management company to function smoothly. Unfortunately, there are some communities that experience bad management. So, how can you know if you have a successful HOA management in your community?   Identifiers of Successful HOA Management…

How To Run An HOA Community With Great S...

“How can I have a successful HOA community?” As an HOA board member, you have most likely asked this question — regardless if you’re newly-elected or tenured. Admittedly, running a community is hard and very challenging. However, if you have a solid foundation, it’s possible…

hoa interview questions

Top HOA Interview Questions To Ask And T...

Interviewing HOA management company representatives for the position of HOA manager is no easy job. To determine whether a candidate is right for your community, here are the top HOA interview questions that you should ask. As a bonus, we’ll also take you through the…

community property management

Is It Time To Switch Community Property ...

Given the many benefits of community property management, it’s always a complex decision to fire community property managers. When it comes to HOA property management, however, it’s best to stick to standards. When you encounter these warning signs, then perhaps it’s time to ask the…

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