Ev charging battles with HOA

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  • #372986

    My HOA is trying to force me to install a post/outlet box against the front of my unit n lay live electric cable on top of the grass n across the sidewalk instead of how I have done it: underground in pvc conduit up a post in common area adjacent to my car. Being sued in civil court. Need help to battle this.


    fschultz17, I hear you that your design here seems far less invasive and less likely to say, cause someone to trip. However, you spoke of common area usage here. The HOA has the right to regulate the usage of common areas with reasonable rules. If I were you, I would want to know if what the HOA specifies is per Code (law) in your area. If so, then I think you are better off financially just doing what the HOA wants.

    Remember, the HOA likely has more resources to fight a lawsuit. Lawsuits often are simply about who has more money. One has to pick one’s battles.

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