I really don’t want to sue anyone, but….
CCR’s state:
1. All inprovements (including Landscaping) must be approved.
2. Cannot create a nuisance.
3. “And be sure enforceable by the Association”
Lower lying property has done an enormous regrade (over 5000 sq feet) so that my property now downgraded to them and floods.
Added a pool. (Not built according to plan) – pool was larger, deckingblarger, no stormwater management for this size project, no variance, no E&S plan,not all improvements were on the plot plan.
HOA insists they “have no teeth” to do anything. This is absurd to me. We cannot even sell our house. Our property value is plummeting.
Help. Basically, the HOA approved “a swimming pool” and now they have retroactively approved the shed (no variance was obtained for location) and no grading permit was obtained.