No Expense Reports. Not Sending out dues notices. Total Disarray.

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  • #376902

    The President of our association has been in power for the past 10 years. He “never” sent out expense reports and stopped sending out dues notices 2 years ago. The association is in disarray. Now he says he is looking to move to another State. One new homeowner who is a “karen/tyrant” is taking the role of secretary. So it seems he never had a secretary to do the associations legal paperwork. The new secretary supposed to sent out dues to all homeowners. I have been asking for many months as to where our dues statements are and he mentioned the new secretary will be sending them out.

    I found out the secretary is sent out notices to all homeowners, all except my home. I went to the President and asked again, where are my due statements and he said the secretary has it. So i went to the secretaries home and asked where are my statements. The secretary said OHH didn’t the President put the notice on your front door and I said NO. He did not. Then the secretary said oh I will print out the Statement and send it to you. So I said here is a check for my past dues, send me the statement and receipt for my payment.

    The secretary accepted the check on Dec 31st 2023. So far they have not sent me my statement or cashed the check. I also told the new secretary that before the President makes a run for it and leaves his position that all the HOA books should be straight and in legal order or else the home owners will be contacting the State Attorney Generals office to make a complaint regarding fraud and we will demand an audit.

    I feel like they are messing with me. They are making me jump through hoops in order to get my statements. I feel I am being harassed and discriminated against. I will give them till the end of the month to cash my check, after that I think I will need to sue or get a lawyer. This is causing emotional distress.

    Please advise. Thanks in advance.


    Yikes. That sounds like hell. You were right to demand all those things and report your complaint to the Attorney General. Hopefully, they’ll be able to do something because something definitely sounds off there. Good luck, mate.


    It looks like your HOA stopped functioning a long time ago. First of all, you need a fully occupied HOA board. Just a president and a secretary? That doesn’t sound right. You need a board FULL of people, 3 at least, with different roles. Ours has a President, a VP, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and 2 other board members. Check your state laws and bylaws. They for sure have board member requirements and minimums.

    Next, make sure you elect COMPETENT board members. Elections are supposed to happen once a year at the annual membership meeting. DO SOMETHING TO FORCE THINGS RIGHT. Get homeowners to band together and sign a petition. Demand for change. Force an election to happen. Then, if you can, run for a position on the board yourself. It sure sounds like you care enough to make things better.

    Third, you can VOTE THOSE PEOPLE OUT. If you have ineffective board members, you can remove them from power. Your state laws and bylaws should tell you how to do that. Usually it calls for a vote from the members.

    Your fee system sounds effed up. The only way to set things right and get back on track is to elect effective people to the board. You can complain and report all you want, but it’s just going to keep happening unless the right people are in power.

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