Overtly political resident

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  • #377031

    Hey everyone,

    I hope this message finds you all well. I’m reaching out today because as a member of the HOA board in our community, we are dealing with a bit of a challenge. Some residents have been expressing their political views in ways that are causing disruption and tension among neighbors.

    As a board, we’ve always aimed for an inclusive and peaceful environment, and we’re struggling to find the right approach to address this issue. I wanted to tap into the wisdom of this community and see if any of you have faced similar challenges and could provide some advice.

    Here are a few questions I’d love your thoughts on:
    1. Have you experienced a similar situation in your community, and if so, how did you handle it?
    2. Did you implement any specific guidelines or policies to address political expressions within the community spaces or events?
    3. How did the community respond to any actions taken, and did it help in restoring a sense of peace?
    4. Do you have any suggestions on striking a balance between allowing free expression and maintaining a harmonious community?

    I believe your insights could be incredibly valuable in helping us navigate this delicate situation. Thanks in advance for your time and advice!


    Sorry to hear you’re going through this. We had a similar issue in our community a while back. One thing that worked for us was organizing a community forum where everyone could express their concerns and opinions openly. It allowed us to set some ground rules and establish guidelines for respectful communication. We also created designated spaces for political discussions, so they wouldn’t spill over into communal areas.

    I’d recommend reaching out to a neutral mediator or facilitator to help guide these discussions. It made a significant difference in our community’s atmosphere. Hope this helps!


    It’s unfortunate that your community is going through this. In our HOA, we updated our community guidelines to explicitly state that political discussions should be kept to a minimum in shared spaces. We also established a community bulletin board where residents can post political content, keeping it away from common areas.

    Communication is key. Make sure to keep the community informed about any changes you plan to implement. Hold town hall meetings or send out newsletters explaining the reasons behind these decisions. It helps in garnering support and minimizing resistance.

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