HOA Board Violates Bylaws in Florida


We have not have a board meeting since 2016. We have had No annual meetings or elections. In our bylaws we restrict the parking of RV’s. for the past couple of years we have had people put RVs in the back yard and rent them. When we email the HOA president we get no response. We can’t elect new people willing to uphold our bylaws because we never have an election. What can we do???

Thank You

– Sylvia



Hi Sylvia,

If you have an existing HOA board, it is best to let them know of the situation. Inform them that they are violating the bylaws and the Florida Statutes. If they fail to correct the situation, consider removing the board members, which will require a vote from the membership. After that, you may replace them with new board members who can start upholding the bylaws and rules.

Here is an article you might find useful: https://www.hoamanagement.com/hoa-violates-their-own-rules/


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