Gate Keeps Getting Broken

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  • #377143

    I am looking for how other communities handle after hours gate issues, such as it not opening.

    We have only one entrance into our gated community. We keep having the same thing happen where if something happens that does not allow the gate to open, folks (residents and contractors) have been know to just push through, breaking the output shaft pin in the process. This has happened countless times and now that I’m on the board I am hoping to at least start the ball rolling on figuring out the best way to avoid someone just breaking the gate.

    Are your board members on call to help the homeowner when this happens? or is your management company on call? or…??

    Please help!



    Hi Liz,

    First of all, I understand your frustrations. However, I also understand why residents feel they have no other choice but to force their way in since the gate won’t open for them.

    It is important to investigate why the gate keeps malfunctioning in the first place. Perhaps it is an issue your gate company or provider can resolve. There must be something wrong with the system for it to constantly stop working, therefore not allowing the gate to open. Solving the root cause of the problem is the key here.

    If it is not an issue with the gate or system itself, perhaps it is more of user error. This means there is a lack of education on the part of residents. Consider setting up a meeting or session where you can teach residents how to properly open the gate and what they can do if it does not respond. Send out instructions in the form of pamphlets or flyers. Include it in your announcements, newsletters, and social media posts. Educating residents on the proper use of the gate is a good way to limit user error and the subsequent breakdown of your gate.

    I would also suggest having a guard on post. It would simply be unreasonable to ask a board member or your community manager to remain on-call 24/7 in case of something like this. If a resident has trouble opening the gate in the wee hours of the morning, a board member or manager would have to pry themselves out of bed and personally tend to the problem, assuming they can’t resolve the issue remotely. The resident in question would also need to wait a good while until the board member or manager reaches them, which would be inconvenient for all parties involved.

    Having a guard on standby or on post would be of help. They can help residents open the gate if they can’t do it themselves. Of course, this would mean having to hire an employee, which opens your community to an entire host of other potential problems and liabilities, especially if you don’t already employ regular workers. Perhaps you can ask your management company or gate provider for assistance with this.

    I hope this helps!

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