HOA State Laws

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hoa proxy voting rules
HOA Elections

HOA Proxy Voting Rules In The U.S. (Per State)

While mainly governed by your association’s bylaws and governing documents, most states have legislation that provides HOA proxy voting rules. Most indicate the requirements for a valid proxy vote and its limitations.   What is Proxy Voting? Proxy voting occurs when a homeowner’s association member

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davis stirling act
HOAM Resources

Davis Stirling Act: What Is It, Rules, Fines, And Violations

The Davis Stirling Act outlines the rules and enforcement guidelines that California’s homeowner associations must follow. The act clarifies responsibilities for HOAs, especially concerning fines and penalties for rule violations. Both homeowners and HOA board members should understand the regulations under this Act to avoid

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thanksgiving volunteer opportunities
HOAM Resources

Thanksgiving Volunteer Opportunities Within Your HOA

Homeowners associations should consider organizing Thanksgiving volunteer opportunities. These events help bring homeowners together, allow them to give back, and strengthen community bonds. As Thanksgiving is known as the season of gratitude, this is the perfect time to plan volunteer activities.   Thanksgiving Volunteer Opportunities

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